Monday, May 12, 2008

yesh!!!!!!!! wheeeeee~


exams are finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah! wheeeee~ toodles~
maths paper was quite easy.
but i think i lost 2 marks or so.
and BFA is nearing.

tag replies:
to shimin: haha. thx. your blog is nice too. ;DD
to farah: thank you!!! love ya!! muacks. lol. jk. ;DD
to ningle: yah loh. i not that pro in blogging. hehe. ;DD

recap on what happened on the past few days.
9 May 08

it was Sylvia's b'day.
so me, shawn, shuen ler, libing and sylvia went to tm to celebrate.
went to library first. cause we finished sch so damn early.
then went to PM(pastamania) to eat.
then while sylvia and shawn and libing stayed at PM,
me and shuen ler lied to sylvia that we go toilet.
actually we were going to buy a cake for her!!! :DDDDDDD
lol. shawn and libing knew bout it.
then after we bought the cake, while we were walking bck to PM,
shuen ler was so excited.
then when sylvia saw the cake, she like so paiseh like that.
especially when we were singing the b'day song.
lolololololol. xDDDDDD
walked around tm to lk for a present for her.
bought a lightbulb keychain for her from minitoons. <333333
then after that, went to natalie's hse to celebrate again.
played waterbombs and titanic at the playground.
hadziqah was there too.

then nothing happened for the past few days le lah.
my sch shoes is spoiled.
nid buy new one.
could see my feet loh.
got that pathetic hole.

need to go to sch at 7.25am instead of 9am on wed.
sianz. -.-"

tmr no sch.
so i going out with erjie, sanjie, sijie, wujie, qimei.
its quite a miracle that wujie,
is actually going out with us!!!:DDDDDD
she usually very negative one.
if she sees this post, she will be like' yah yah, i very negative one.'
we planning to go E! hub then white sands.
meeting sijie and qimei at tm first.

my msn is spoiled.
sobs. DDDD:
later my cousin will try to install again.

my auntie's hse is being renovated.
the hse is starting to look modern. :DDDDDDDDDD

wanted to go out with farah, yy, cheryl and mindy today.
but cheryl and mindy could not make it.
then 3 of us only.
we decided to call ourselves DINO5.
i am nicolesaurox. xDDDDDDDD
to the dino4: must meet up during hols leh. nvr seen you ppl for centuries. lol.

gtg le. byes. :DDDDDD

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